Free Geocoding APIs

 Free Geocoding APIs allow users to visualize search results as a list of addresses. It can also be used to track locations and give destinations.

There are numerous options for free Geocoding APIs to choose from. Each has their own restrictions. Some APIs will have a limit to how many requests can be made, while others can handle unlimited requests.

Google is one of the most well-known free Geocoding APIs. The Google Maps Platform has over two billion addresses covering the globe. Users can also request geocoordinates for an address. If you want to see an example of how to integrate a location search into an application, check out this tutorial.

Another great option is LocationIQ, a location service for maps that works worldwide. It's free for a limited number of requests per month, and is trusted by companies like Samsung, Microsoft, and Uber.

Another option is the HERE Geocoding and Search API. Its v7 service is no longer actively developed, but offers address matching and critical fixes.

If you're looking for a geocoding solution that's easy to use, consider Maptive. This free Geocoding API plots an address in a matter of seconds. In addition, it can also display zip codes and counties, and includes postal codes. With Maptive's free trial, you can test out the geocoding function before you sign up.

Another free service is the Positionstack API, which is available on APILayer. It's powered by scalable APILayer cloud infrastructure and can handle billions of geocoding requests.


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